Thursday, December 22, 2011


In the world of Search engine optimization a new change has come. A new algorithm has been deployed by Google known as “Google Panda” This major algorithm change impacted the way we think of search ranking in substantial ways.

Panda was released in the United States for English queries in February 2011. Since that time, Google Panda has spread out to all English searches around the world. Recently, Panda has added support for almost every language except few like Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Google continues to conduct their new algorithm tests on Google Panda’s changes for those languages.

The impact will be fairly minimal: Only six to ten per cent of search queries will be affected by Panda Algorithm. However, search engine searches that are impacted will show changes that are visibly different from what they use to be in the past. English-language searches were impacted by an estimated twelve per cent; it means that the most dramatic impact from Panda has already happened.

The only reason to tweak their existing algorithm is to improve the search quality and the content quality for the users. The most relevant provides to the point information on the keyword or key phrase typed in the Google search engine. However, it impacted big time to some industries including SEO industry. Earlier link building use to be the only way to the top of the SERPs. 

Now SEO professional should take website content seriously to get on the top in the search engines. Google Panda is just a reminder to the online webepreneurs, webmasters, SEO professionals which says not to do just link building, quality content should be written. Which not only get them good rankings, but also gets good information to the users. It’s a win-win situation for everyone :-)


Fresh Web SEO said...

Again I wrote a great article on how JC Penney lost their rank because of Panda and now they are using a fantastic strategy to regain what was lost. Very intriguing article.
JCP - Panda Issue

Unknown said...


Nice Post..:-)
Thanks for sharing and keep posting such post here in future too.
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